The Martins - Mike and Brenelle celebrate their 8 year long love story with a wedding!
What better way to celebrate 8 years together than a wedding?
Brenelle and Mike met at a party and soon started chatting through Facebook. When Mike showed up to a Dave Mathews Band concert just to spend the time with Brenelle the two shared their first kiss and then never left each others side after that. It was a love story perfectly timed, and 8 years later, they have already made years full of memories. Both Brenelle and Mike come from families that are full of laughter, and they feel like its this silly and playful spirit that has kept them so in love through the years.
Though they have shared many adventures together, the greatest one has been becoming parents. Their Daughter Lucy was born and threw their hearts into overdrive. Her sweet little laugh is one that will join theirs in filling their happy home with sweet memories.
From the weepy eyed ceremony to the last call, this wedding was a day full of emotion and celebration. Mike and Brenelle have such wonderful family and such awesome friends; their day was full of people who were so happy to be celebrating alongside them.
We love weddings that are full of dancing and fun, and this wedding definitely had a lot of both! Check out the pictures of this beautiful wedding and enjoy the culmination of a day 8 years in the making!